George Meek in gesprek met Friedrich J�rgenson


(foto's hierboven zijn allemaal van Friedrich J�rgenson)   


1)  "Hier Konstantin Raudive. Heute Nachmittag, am 03. November 1990 Ihrer Zeitrechnung, wurden zwei erfolgreiche. Telefon-Kontakte nach Rivenich und Schweich durchgef�hrt.

 Weitere  Anweisungen folgen. Hier war Konstantin Raudive."

 "Here Konstantin Raudive. This afternoon, November 3rd, 1990, in your time, two telephone contacts have succesfully been made to Rivenich and Schweich. Further instructions will  

     follow. This was Konstantin Raudive." 1.mp3


2) "Es ist uns gelungen, den ersten Direkt kontakt zur s�dlichen Hemisph�re Brasilien durchzustellen. Dies geschah nicht zuletzt durch Ihr Mitwirken, Friedrich Malkhoff ...

"We have succeeded in putting the first direct contact through to the southern hemisphere, Brazil. Last but not least, this took place with your contribution, Friedrich Malkhoff. ... " 2.mp3


3) "Noch einmal aufgebaut werden m�ssen, irgendwelche Interferenzen oder Schwierigkeiten mit Ihrem Aufnahmeger�t zu bestehen, dies Ihnen nur zur Information."

 "Have to be build up again, to stand any interferences or problems with your recorder; this only for your information." 3.mp3


4) Guten Morgen, lieber Konstantin Raudive. "Ich hoffe, dass Sie mich h�ren k�nnen, Friedrich Malkhoff, und dass Sie mich auch atmen h�ren k�nnen." Ja, ich h�re beides. "Es scheint,

 dass das Atmen bei Ihnen eine der wichtigsten Besch�ftigungen auf Terra im Moment scheint in diesen Transkontakten." Ja, bei mir pers�nlich nicht, lieber Konstantin Raudive. "Ich weiss

, dass Sie damit kein Problem haben und wollte Sie informieren, dass eine neue Br�cke aufgebaut wurde, welche die Stationen Schweich und Luxemburg noch enger verbinden wird." 

Good morning, dear Konstantin Raudive. "I hope that you can hear me, Friedrich Malkhoff, and that you can hear me breathe." Yes, I hear both. "It seems that breathing is one of the most

 important occupations with you on Terra in this moment appears in these transcontacts." Yes; with me personally not, dear Konstantin Raudive. "I know you have no problem in this

 respect and wanted to inform you that a new bridge has been built which will make the link between Schweich and Luxemburg stations still closer." 4.mp3  


5)  "Hier ist Konstantin Raudive. Codewort .... Sie sehen, Freund Malkhoff, wie wichtig dieses Erkennungswort war. Man kann nicht vorsichtig genug sein. Hier Konstantin Raudive."

 "Here is Konstantin Raudive. Codeword ..... You see, friend Malkhoff, how important this codeword was. One can't be too cautious. Here Konstantin Raudive." 5.mp3  


6)  "Das Projekt "SOTHIS" wird also, wie bereits an anderen Stellen mitgeteilt, weitergef�hrt. Erst nachher werden wir auch die Kontakte zu den anderen Stellen in Nord- und S�damerika

 weiter festigen k�nnen, da wir im Moment noch stark besch�ftigt sind, die Kontakte in Europa zu festigen und auszubauen."

"So, the "Sothis" project will be continued, as already advised in different places. Only afterwards we will be able to also consolidate the contacts to the different places in North- and South-

 America, since presently we are still very occupied in consolidating and extending the contacts in Europe." 6.mp3


7) Unser Freund Konstantin Raudive hat mehrmals bei Kontakten darauf hingewiesen, dass die Transkommunikation kein Hobby f�r Menschen ist, die nicht mit der Realit�t des Lebens

 fertig werden."

The case is as this. I repeat it once more. --the editor) "The transcommunication is no hobby for persons unable to manage the realities of live." 7.mp3 


8) Ist das die Kleeblattgruppe? "Ich heisse nicht Kleeblattgruppe. Ich kenne Sie." 8.mp3

Wie ist Ihr Name bitte? "Ich habe keinen Namen, ich bin ein Natur-Geist."

Is there Kleeblattgruppe (Shamrock group)? My name is not Kleeblattgruppe, I know you. What is your name please? I don't have any name, I am a nature spirit. A nature spirit? ah (yeh) 


9)  "Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitzuteilen, dass die Br�cke zu Ihnen jetzt geschaltet ist. Wir werden uns ab jetzt regelm�ssig melden. Diese Br�cke zu Ihnen nennt sich die MEZA- Kleeblatt-


"We are pleased to inform you that the bridging to you is connected now. From now on, we will contact you regularly. This bridge to you is called "MEZA-Kleeblatt" - bridge." 9.mp3 


10) "Haben Sie keine Angst vor dem Zweifel, denn nicht die Liebe allein bringt die Welt weiter, sondern auch d er Zweifel. Er ist der Preis der Freiheit. Wer den Zweifel gegen sich hat, f�r

 den ist das Leben eine einzige Verwirrung. F�r den, der ihn auf seiner Seite hat, ist das Leben ein Abenteuer. Hier war die MEZA- Kleeblatt- Gruppe, Keyserling sprach �ber das neue


 "Don't fear the doubt, since it is not love alone that makes the world advance, but the doubt too. It is the price of freedom. For the person having the doubt opposing him-/herself, life is

 nothing but confusion. For the one having it on his/her side, life is an adventure. This was Meza- Kleeblatt- Group, Keyserling spoke via the new contact field." 10.mp3


11) "Hier spricht ISHKUM einer der Bewohner des Planeten Terra: Freunde der instrumentellen Transkommunikation ihr habt einen neuen Weg beschritten, und die von euch angestrebte Einheit wird euch helfen, zum Licht und zur ...

Ishkum speaking, one of the inhabitants of planet Terra, friends of instrumental communication, you have set your feet on a new path, and the unity you aspire to will help you to .... to the light and to ... 11.mp3


12) "Hier spricht Konstantin Raudive. Da das Projekt MEZA in eine neue Phase eingetreten ist, wird von uns gew�nscht, dass die MEZA-Apparatur von Friedrich Malkhoff nach Schweich

 gebracht werden soll. Dort werden wir versuchen, eine eigenst�ndige Station anzuformen. Hier war Konstantin Raudive."

 "This is Konstantin Raudive speaking. The MEZA project having entered a new phase, it is our wish that the MEZA equipment be brought to Schweich by Friedrich Malkhoff. There we will

 try to mould an autonomous station. This was Konstantin Raudive." 12.mp3

13)  "Ausserdem ist es vielleicht wichtig zu wissen, dass Fritz Malkhoff darauf wartet, dass die MEZA-Anlage abgeholt werden kann. Diese soll in Schweich aufgebaut werden ..."

 "Furthermore, it may be important to know that Fritz Malkhoff is waiting for the possiblity to fetch the MEZA. This shall be mounted in Schweich ..." 13.mp3

14)  Hallo, die Kindergruppe, hier ist Friedrich Malkhoff. Kindergruppe, k�nnt ihr nicht sprechen?

Da kam ein sehr gequ�ltes "NEIN". Das war doch schon ein Wort. Wer spricht mit mir, bitte melde dich mit Namen. "Bitte helf!" Wem kann ich helfen? Seid ihr die Kindergruppe? "Ja." Wi

e k�nnen wir euch helfen?


 Hello, the children's group, this is Friedrich Malkhoff, children's group, are you unable to speak??

Then followed an agonized NO.
That was one word already. Who is speaking with me? Please speak by giving your name. Please help! Whom can I help? Are you the children's group?


How can we help you? Pray.


15)  I think the problem is an impedance mismatch into that third transistor. Third transistor� Yes, the transistor that follows the, uh, the input. I don�t understand. The pre-amp. The pre-amp.

 Oh, the pre-amp. Yes. I, uh, think we can correct that by introducing a, uh, 150-ohm, 100-watt resistor in parallel with a oint-double-oh-four-seven microfarad ceramic capacitor. I think we

 can overcome that impedance mismatch. Oh, boy, I�ll have to get the schematic.   15.mp3


16)  Good morning, this is George Meek. This is Konstantin Raudive. George, my friend, at last we succeeded in contacting you. Jeannette is beside me, and she wants to give you all her

 love. This is Konstantin Raudive. This is the first contact you get from us. I suppose that you can hear me. I can hear you very well. Very plainly. Fine! So, this is the beginning of a new

 story, a new chapter, George. You are a very good friend of ours,even if we haven�t met. We will continue this. This is the first bridge we have succeeded to build to the States. Mark was

 contacted, and I must interrupt now. 16.mp3


17)  As far as the ITC progress here in Colorado, with my group, how soon do you think we�ll be able to expand into television contacts and computer contacts, or are we going to stick with

 voice for quite awhile? Well, as we see it, the first good voices will come through in the fall of this year, and it will develop on that. I see. I�m thinking of incorporating subtle energy

 technologies into the system on my side. Do these things sound like a good idea? Well sure, a very good thought of you. And you will have to wait for the things that our group can tell you.

 Okay, can you tell me about the equipment you use to produce a perfect, almost perfect voice on Earth? That must take a lot of work on your side. Well, it depends on your reception�or,

 mainly on your psychic reception� We intend to give plans of our equipment, and send them through Hans. We also wanted to give a sort of a map of our world also, drop it into your world.

 It will be done in the next weeks and months. That�s tremendous! That�s wonderful! 17.mp3


18)   "It can only work when the vibrations of those present are in complete harmony, and when their aims and intentions are pure." 18.mp3


19)"Finally, last but not least, Mark Macy. My dear friend, we bring our greetings to colleague Meek and the Uphoffs, also to Hans Heckmann with whom he realizes a beautiful job to

 spread ITC information. You know by experience, Mark, how dangerous drugs of all kinds can be. Try to warn humanity that they not only alter their present lives on your side, but also

 influence in a negative way their future lives. Go on with your experiences, and you will see that the bridge to the States will soon be strengthened. Regina as your twin soul can help you a

 lot. Listen to her inner voice, and you will be in the right way." I replied, "Thank you!" 19.mp3